I've been a bit upset at how much I felt like my future depended on what I found out today. It had gotten to the point where this day was feeling bigger than my interview day for my Permanent Residency, and that was really pissing me off. Luckily time is great and I wasn't stressing out so much. Despite my optimism, I was prepared to hear that I couldn't leave the U.S. I even told some of my close friends I was preparing plans B and C.
Waiting in line at USCIS was pretty terrible. We didn't get to our appointment til an hour later, to find out that there are many many options available to me. So if I get a job offer for Japan, I can take it and not worry about ruining my eligibility for citizenship. Woohoo!
Second set of magnificent news, I just got a part-time teaching position offered at the English school in Santa Monica!!! Remember I interviewed for it towards the end of my TEFL Certification program and never heard anything about it after the second interview? Part time position just opened up and it has been offered to yours truly.
Life has a way to show that love, and I love it!
Congratulations to the teaching position! Also, does that mean you can work abroad for as long as you want?