Friday, September 28, 2012

Second Interview

I just had my second interview with a school I've been on the fence about, wasn't sure if it was real or not. It feels like I conducted the interview as it was mostly me having a list of questions answered. . . seems legit. We'll see if they get back to me and what their contract looks like. She did ask if I'd be available to leave in December, which would be pretty awesome eh? We shall see.

This week I've had a lot of reflection time even though I've been working. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I may not be in the position to take off to Japan. I haven't gotten concrete answers from the source yet, but it's possible. I am ready to accept a plan B. It's difficult to hide my disappointment and frustration. I've started running, which is never a bad release of excess emotion or effect on the body.

Regardless of what may be, I am getting my Mexican passport renewed next week. I took my passport photos earlier this week so I'm ready for anything! In two weeks I get to meet with an immigration officer to discuss my real options as a Permanent Resident.

Also in two weeks I'll start my volunteer tutoring "job"! I'll be tutoring ESL students. Not the same as working with EFL students, but still students that are struggling with the language so a great learning experience nonetheless.

I'm excited for whatever comes my way :)


Saturday, September 22, 2012

First Verdict

I kept in touch with one of the girls that interviewed in my group and she got a call earlier this week with an offer but no school yet. I've been pretty anxious all week waiting for my call. Today at work while finishing my break, a call came in with a New York area code and I thought it might be AEON calling. I didn't pick it up because I had to get back to work. I spent the last of my shift thinking it was the call. Turns out it was a call completely unrelated to my teaching career. When I came home I relaxed, had lunch, and finally a couple hours after being home my mom tells me, "I wanted to wait until your dad came home but he's late. Stand up and walk towards the chimney." I got two steps to the chimney and I saw the AEON envelop, I instantly knew. It's official, Aeon will not have the honor of being represented by me next year.

Confusion and disappointment hit me. I spent the next couple hours in a cloud of anger and reflection. It took a walk to Trader Joe's and back to simmer down. I know everything happens for a reason, I truly believe that.

There are still some very important things I need to figure out before I go signing my 2013 away to Japan. As a Permanent Resident I need to maintain continuous residency if I plan to become a U.S. Citizen, which is obviously non-negotiable. Therefore I have to:
-> find out what U.S. territories will constitute maintenance of continuous residency.
-> get money together for my flight to Japan.
-> get a volunteer teaching position to gain a bit of experience.

No one likes rejection, but I am at peace with the news I received today. There is a reason for everything.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm still Here

This post is long over due and I apologize.

I am back in LA, and officially TEFL Certified from UCI Extension. Next year I will be in Japan, one way or another. I interviewed with AEON, made it to the final round of interviews (all two) and am now waiting on their decision. I've submitted several applications and will hopefully hear back from them as well.

I learned so much about applied linguistics and myself these last two months and met an amazing group of people. I finally feel confident and comfortable in this place in my life, and I am ready to get life on track.