Sunday, October 24, 2010

who is representing your state?

There has been so much ridiculous news lately, I'm so behind on my news I apologize. Sometimes I can't believe it's actually real though, I have to double check to make sure I'm not on The Onion.

Apparently this last Tuesday, Oct 19, Georgia Lawmaker expressed his wish to shoot to kill immigrants crossing the border. First off, how do people this crazy get the power to make laws? And second, shouldn't there be a limit to insanity in decision-making positions? Yates actually compares Mexican immigrants crossing the border to the Nazi army . . . this guy really needs to get checked into a home.

Another article I caught earlier this week, Florida has drafted it's version of Arizona's SB 1070. As you will notice, this was actually last Wednesday, Oct 20. I couldn't believe what I was reading, if this law gets passed there is no dignity or humanity left in government officials.

This atmosphere conservatives have created makes me legitimately afraid for those living in these states and worse the thought of all the other crazy people out there who agree with these lawmakers. It feels so barbaric. I am so blessed to be living in California and I hope sentiments like that never become the popular stance of this gorgeous state.

Another article I bookmarked to share with you is about ICE policies, from Tuesday Oct 19. Apparently in Houston, immigration judges have been dismissing deportation cases. What does it mean to 'dismiss a case'? It means it gets put aside. The cases they've been putting to the side are of people who have no criminal records, as the Obama administration has been focusing on deporting people with criminal records. What does this mean for those people with deportation cases who have no criminal records and have been in the U.S. for more than two years? No decision is actually made on their case, so if they happen to get arrested, they have nothing to keep them in this country. Usually (as I understand it)if you have an ongoing process with immigration that has yet to be ruled on, you are 'safe'. You do not get deported or reprimanded, since you are in process. So really this is a really shitty thing to do to someone, to just throw their case aside and decide to make a decision on it later because it leaves the person in limbo. They can't truly make anything of themselves if they want to, and trust me I know exactly what this is like.

It's one of the most unfair things people have lived through, it's not starvation or slavery. Although if you think about it, people are pushed into a form of slavery because their access to income is reduced to such a limited peep-hole. Gardener, housekeeper, nanny, lettuce picker, janitor . . . all of who are subdued to inhumane conditions that no one in this place can speak up against. I really have gotten the sweeter end of the stick, I've just had to live like a child my entire life, and I am completely aware of how lucky I am and am thankful for it every day.

I'd love to hear what you think of these current events.

Again, I apologize for my spacey ways, but life is actually really good these days. I am completely focused on life and there is nothing better I could be doing. The day I get the key to freedom I will be more than ready. I haven't been in a healthier state of mind and body in a very long time.

Hope my readers are all in good health (mind and body).
Thanks for following.


Monday, October 11, 2010

you're not wanted SB1070

It's not just the victims of SB 1070 who dislike this law, all those who understand the effects of this law are doing their best to bring SB 1070 where it belongs. Not here. This last Friday, October 8, Judge Bolton ruled for another lawsuit against SB 1070 to move forward.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

International action against SB1070

Yesterday, we saw several Latin American countries come together to stand against SB1070. I'm honestly surprised no action from these Latin American countries was taken earlier . . . what's worse is that we're not seeing more of the world taking a stand against SB1070. Just about every part of the world has immigrants affected by this, essentially because as we all know this law is ultimately only affecting Hispanics. There shouldn't be second thoughts about this.

Another thing that boggles my mind, is why does a country have to file a suit against a STATE in it's own country to the UN?! Maybe this is extremist but the Federal government should've just arrested Brewer and immediately disregarded SB1070. It is clearly against her jurisdiction to make decisions like that.

And why is it taking so long to take action against this clearly preposterous 'law'? It's so infuriating.

Thanks for following :)


Sunday, October 3, 2010

this is my life

My attempt in this post is not to complain, but to simply expose the facts of my life.

I want so bad for my life to change soon, so soon. I started tutoring, it wasn't what I expected it would be. I'm putting in less hours, I talked the boss into paying me more, still the bare minimum for the private-multiple-subject tutoring/babysitting/therapy I'm doing.

My family has never been extremely well-off. Since living here, my dad has always been the sole financial provider and he has given us a comfortable yet limited life, covering the necessities and small luxuries here and there. I am definitely spoiled, but the money is never enough, this makes me sound so materialistic, I swear to you I'm not. Since moving to the U.S. I had to learn to not ask for everything I wanted/saw, not so easy as a child who grew up an only child for nine years. I have learned the difference between necessity and want, and I am constantly keeping myself in check. Being 24 is presenting itself to be quite the challenge given my circumstance. This is simply another challenge I will conquer, it's difficult, like all challenges in life. Well, like life.

I'm just putting it out there, sharing something about my life. I know I'm not the only one worrying about money right now. Let me just say that if I didn't have my parents I have no idea where or who I would be. I am so grateful they are who they are, have made me who I am and have given me this life.

May the good fortune that lies ahead be near. Thanks for following.