Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Human Rights Abuse on the US-Mexico Border

It's been far too long since my last post. Life has certainly gotten busier since receiving my Residency. I recently came across an interesting article I really wanted to share on facebook, but I do not like to use that space for expressing my political beliefs. This is what this space is for.

The article is titled, "Border Patrol to Keep Controversial Deadly Force Rules". Thank you Sarah Childress for writing this, PBS for publishing it, and Cuentame for sharing it. Apparently the Border Patrol has decided it is absolutely necessary to maintain the use of unbalanced force used against people fighting for their lives.

Trust me, I completely understand the Border Patrol POV. Although it is obviously extremely difficult for me to side with them when I have been on the immigrant end. It is difficult for me to understand how a rock can be much of a threat to the Border Patrol when they have so much gear to protect them like bullet proof vests, helmets, and powerful machine guns. How much damage can a rock do in comparison, and how is a bullet a comparable threat against a rock??? Shooting an 16-year boy 11 times for throwing a rock? Are you kidding me?????? That is most certainly use of unnecessary force!

Fisher, Border Patrol Chief states that the environment in which his agents work in is very different from that in which other law enforcement agencies work in, completely granted. For that same reason, wouldn't one think there is even more opportunity to avoid using unnecessary force? He says, “In many cases, unlike a concrete jungle, you have a very narrow trail and the Border Patrol agent doesn’t always have the ability to get out of the way.” Get out of the way of A ROCK? That must be one huge rock those immigrants are throwing.

It seems preposterous to me that this is being allowed. For the majority of the people crossing the border, they hardly have any belongings on their person. The people the Border Patrol is most likely using to make their case for requiring their guns to use against immigrants are the instances when they encounter criminals smuggling drugs or people who actually carry weapons of equal lethal force. With the increasing cases of abuse of force and 19 deaths since 2010, exceptions to the laws governing the use of force against immigrants certainly needs to have exceptions.
