Monday, December 17, 2012

Have I told you lately?

Well this a long time coming.

I've been teaching English for two months now. I haven't experienced this much anxiety since I found out I wouldn't be attending the college of my choice, but from what I hear this is normal. Being in a new element is bound to be stressful.

For the past three weeks I've had the most bipolar days I've ever experienced. I love the interaction with students, I just personally feel like I don't know anything. I'm so lucky to have a boss that truly wants me to succeed. She has allowed me to open up with her and I've discovered that I do have the potential. She tells me she would not have hesitated firing me if she didn't believe I was a good teacher. Not only that, but my students I no longer teach tell me they want me back. I love it! I must be doing something right!

In my attempts to get away from teaching by searching for alternative jobs I've realized what an idiot I would be if I left this job. Every turn I take in life I am given exceptional opportunities and this is yet another. Therefore I've decided I am going to calm down (aka enable my patience capability) and truly give this teaching thing a shot.

When the real time to move on comes, something else will be there. While I'm teaching, I have an internship at a Dietitian's Private Practice. I've signed up for an online Intro to Kinesiology class to complete my A.A. Degree in Kinesiology as I've been taking classes for that long in this field. I'm also going to be taking two business classes, a Marketing and a Public Relations class. I've a ton to focus on and look forward to.

I wish you all the best, and happy holidays!